
BC3751-HY watch video
Product Description:

BL20-HSY is a high speed and high precision turning and milling center, the machine is equipped with double electric spindle, 12- station power  servo tool rest, high rigidity roller linear guideway, with Y axis function and double C axis function, can complete the workpiece’s turning and milling processing. Especially suitable for parts to complete all or mܫost of the process of turning milling. Maiꦍnly used in automotive, machinery and other industries of precision machining parts.

Technical Specifications:
  Model Parameter UNIT BL20-HSY 
Capacity Max. Swing over bed mm Φ695
Max. turning length mm 500
Max. turning diameter mm φ340
Standard working diameter mm 360
Max. Bar diameter mm Φ65
Spindle Chuck diameter inch 8'' hollow
Spindle thru-hole   mm Φ76
spindle speed rpm 35-5000
BMTSpindle motor power kW 21.5(40%ED)/19.6
Sub-spindle Chuck diameter mm 6'' hollow
Spindle thru-hole     Φ53
spindle speed m/min 35-6000
BMTSpindle motor power   12.6(40%ED)/10.3
Turret Capacity of tools   12
Milling spindle speed range mm 25-125
Tools size (boring diameter) mm 25/Φ40
Milling spindle motor power(40%ED) mm 4/5.5
Feed Rapid speed X/Z/Y mm 30/10/30/30
Travel X/Z/Y mm 190/±50/605/580
Other Power KVA 55
Dimensions (L×W×H) mm 3050×2130×1755
Machine weight (net weight) Kg 4850  
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