
BK50-2 vertical CNC lathe watch video
Product Description:

BK50-2 is a special purpose machine designed for flange producing sector. It is controlled by GSK 980TTC controller and f🐼eatures double spindles, double turrets and independent two channels for different wok machining. It is mainly used for roughing and semifinishing flanges of over 10 kg weight, motor flanges, motor cases and other flanges, discs, sleeves and short shafts which are difficult to set.

  1. Features
(1) Double spindles and double channels for different work machining, with large applicability.(2) Large slope base for easy chip removal.(3) High precision and ultra heavy duty linear guideways are used in X and Z axis.(4) Beautiful appearance and full enclose guard for preventing chip splashing.

Technical Specifications:


Item Unit Specification
      Capacity Max. swing.dia mm Φ500
Max. turning dia. mm Φ420
Max. swing over slide mm Φ500
Max. turning height mm 360
Spindle Hyd. chuck dia. mm Φ305
Spindle nose   A2-8
Spindle speed r/min 50-800
Power of spindle kW 11
Max. spindle torque Nm 418
Carriage Travel (X/Z) mm 300/380
Rapid traverse (X/Z) m/min 12/12
Servo motor torque (X/Z) Nm 15/22
Servo motor power (X/Z) kW 2.3/3.5
Turret Number of stations   4-station
Tool section mm 32×32
Others Power source kVA 45
Dimension(L×W×H) mm 4076×2064×2567
Weight kg 8000
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