
TK50 CNC lathe watch video
Product Description:

TK50 is an easily-operated CNC lathe and driven by a main servo motor. This machine features an independent spindle structure and outputs infinite variable speed. Controlled by GSK control the lathe has two controllable axes. It can perform OD and ID turning, taper and arc turning, facing, metric and inch threading automatically. Suitable for chuck work and shaft work of multi-specification medium/small batches, especially those complicated and high 🧜accuracy workpieces. 

Technical Specifications:
Item Unit TK50
Max. swing over bed mm φ500
Max. swing over slide mm φ280
Max. turning dia. mm φ500/3501
Max. work length mm 1100 1600 2100 3100
Max. turning length mm 1000 1500 2000 3000
Spindle bore mm φ87
Spindle nose   ISO702/ⅠA2-8
Spindle speed r/min 30-2500
Spindle bole    Metric: 1:20
Spindle max. torque output N.m 354
Rapid speed m/min X:6     Z: 8 X: 5  Z: 6
Screw pitch mm X: 5     Z: 6 X: 5  Z: 8
Capacity of turret   4(standard)/6(optional)
Tool post width mm 200X200
Max. section of tool mm 25×25/φ32(Boring)
Travel of carriage mm X: 275/235(6-station turret)
Z: 1000/1500/2000/3000
Dia. of tailstock quill mm φ75(φ80 Hydraulic tailstock)
Tailstock quill taper   Manual and hydraulic tailstock MT No.5 (MT No.3 Living hydraulic tailstock)
Max. Tailstock quill travel mm 150(130  Hydraulic tailstock)
Main motor power kW 15 servo(CTB motor is 13Kw)
Drive belt   5V-900   4 pieces
Mark1:parameter after ‘/’ is for equip with 6 station turret (Turret disc diameter as φ360)。
Machine dimension (Length×width×height)       mm 1000 2700×1500×1700
1500 3200×1500×1700
2000 3700×1500×1700
3000 4700×1500×1700
Machine weight   model 1000 1500 2000 3000
kg   2800 3200 3600 4600
Max. work-piece loading weight (center to center) kg: 700 (Ф250 manual 3 jaw chuck)
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