
SK66Q CNC lathe  watch video
Product Description:

SK66Q♔ series lathe is a simple CNC lathe with three gears manual transmission. Suitable for light industry, shipbuilding, machinery, automobile, motorcycle and other industries users within 660mm rotary diameter of light disc sleeve parts, massᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ products processing.

Technical Specifications:
Item SK66Q
Max. swing over bed (mm) φ660
Max. swing over slide (mm) φ440
Max. turning dia. (mm) φ550/350*
Max. work length (mm) 750/620*; 1000/870*; 1500/1370*; 2000/1870*;
Max. turning length (mm) 570/500*; 820/750*; 1320/1250*;1820/1750*;
Spindle taper hole (mm) φ77
Spindle nose ISO702/ⅠA 28
Spindle speed (r/min) 3-gear stepless 21-1620 H:1620-1620 M:66-660 L:21-210
Max. output torque of spindle (N.m) 800
Max. rapid traverse (m/min) X-axis:6 Z-axis:8 (See OPERATOR’S MANUAL---ELECTRICAL PARTS for details)
Pitch of screw (mm) X direction: 5 Z direction: 6
Capacity of turret 4(standard)/6(optional)
Max. permissible tool section (mm×mm) 25×25
Travel of turret (mm) X direction: 275/235(6-station) Z direction: 600/850/1350/1850
Dia. of tailstock quill (mm) φ75(φ80 hydraulic tailstock)
Taper of tailstock quill (MT No.) MT No.5(MT No.3 hydraulic tailstock)
Max. travel of tailstock quill(mm) 150(130 hydraulic tailstock)
Cross travel of tailstock (mm) ±15
Main motor DP132M-4 7.5Kw frequency inverting motor
Coolant pump LDPB2-15 180W
V belt B83(MITSUBOSHI) 4 pcs
Optional: 980T, FANUC 0i-MATE-TD
Note *: data after “/” is for lathe equipped with horizontal 6-station turret (swing dia. of tool disk is assumed φ360). Note **: data in parentheses is for lathe equipped with hydraulic station.
Dimension (L×W×H) mm× mm× mm 750 2450×1500×1700
1000 2700×1500×1700
1500 3200×1500×1700
2000 3700×1500×1700
Net weight of machine kg 750 2050
1000 2100
1500 2150
2000 2200
Size of power chuck   8"/10"
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