
CBK50 Simplified CNC Lathe watch video
Product Description:

I.The Description of CNC Lathe

CBK50 is an economical CNC lathe and can be used for processing various shapes ofജ disc parts, annular parts, shaft parts, precision complex shape parts which can satisfy the high precision inside and outside the circle, steps, cone, sphere, thread processing. According to the requirements of the processing, hydraulic chuck and hydraulic tailstock can be used for the production of multi-variety and multi-specification parts, which is an eಞfficient and cost-effective processing equipment.

II.Construction Features

1. High cost performance;

2. Separate 45 ° inclined bed, smooth 𒈔chip removal.

3♏. The main shaft adopts three-gear steeple gear, with excellent rigidity and high torque;

4. The main shaft of the through-hole type is stable and suitable for the processing of a variety ༺of workpieces;

5. Flexible ma꧑chine configuration, can choose the broad number, cairn, and other system configuration parameters.

Technical Specifications:




Max swing diameter over bed mm φ500
The largest rotary diameter on the saddle mm φ350
Max. turning diameter mm φ420
Max turning length mm 980
Thru-hole of spindle mm φ82
mode of spindle head   A2-8
maximum speed of spindle r/min Shift3 steeple       21-1620 H:162-1620 M:66-660   L:21-210
Spindle maximum output torque N.m 800
Fast forward speed (Max.) m/min x-axis:6     Z-axis:8
screw pitch mm Φ32X5/Φ40X6
Tool holder capacity   8/6/4
Tool section mm×mm 25×25/φ40
Cutter Reat Stroke mm X dimension: 255
Z dimension: 1000
Diameter of tailstock quill mm φ90
Taper of tailstock sleeve MT No. MT No.5
Tailstock quill maximum stroke mm 100
Main motor 7.5kW 
Cooling pump PMY-25A-3/180W
Main drive triangle belt B63 Article 4
Dimension 3120×1900×1910
Net weight 3800
Largest workpiece processing (installed on both ends) kg weight: 700 (250 manual three jaw chuck Ф)


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