
SK50P(S) CNC Lathe watch video
Product Description:

SK50P series lathe is an Economic CNC lathe🐻 driven by servo motor. Either 4-station turret (standard equipment) or 6-station turret can be equipped for cutting different shapes of workpieces. The lathe has beautiful guard. Its well designed sliding door is e🌞asy to use and functions as a protector of operators’ safety.

Features: steady start, quick stop, high output torque. The🍃 lathe is suitable for turning shaft type and plate/ring type workpieces. Operations performed on the lathe are ID/OD turning, any taper turning, arc surface turning, facing and metric/inch threading. It i🔥s suitable for cutting multi specification work in batches, especially complex and high precision workpieces. 

Technical Specifications:
Item Unit SK50P(S).750 SK50P(S) SK50P(S).1500 SK50P(S).2000 SK50P(S).3000
Max. swing over bed mm φ500
Max. swing over slide mm φ280
Max. turning dia. mm φ500/3501
Max. Workpiece length mm 750/620 1000/870 1500/1370 2000/1870 3000/2870
Max. turning length mm 570/500 820/750 1320/1250 1820/1750 2820/2750
Spindle Taper hole mm φ77/φ82
Spindle nose    φ77  ISO702/ⅠA28  φ82  ISO702/ⅠA28 φ77  ISO702/ⅡD8
Spindle speed r/min      3 gear stepless     21-1620 H:162-1620  M:66-660  L:21-210
Max. output torque of spindle N.m 800
Max. rapid traverse Max.m/min X:6 Z: 8
Pitch of screw mm X: Φ40×5        Z: Φ40×6/Φ50×6(2000)/ Φ63×8(3000)
Capacity of turret   4(standard)/6(optional)
Max. permissible tool section mm×mm 25×25
Travel of turret mm X: 275  Z: 600/850/1350/1850/2850
Dia. of tailstock quill mm φ75(φ80 hydraulic tailstock)
Taper of tailstock quill   MT No.5(MT No.3 Hydraulic tailstock)
Max. travel of tailstock quil mm 150(130  Hydraulic tailstock)
Cross travel of tailstock mm ±15
Main motor power kW 7.5KW servo motor   
Coolant pump W AOB-25      125W
Note *: data after “/” is for lathe equipped with horizontal 6-station turret (swing dia. of tool disk is assumed φ360).
  Dimension (L×W×H)        750 mm× mm× mm 2460×1520×1680
1000 2760×1520×1680
1500 3260×1520×1680
2000 3760×1520×1680
3000 4760×1520×1680
  Packing size (L×W×H)        750 ccm× cm× cm 288×185×224
1000 313×185×224
1500 363×185×224
2000 413×185×224
3000 513×185×224
  Net weight of machine      1000 kg 2050
1500 2100
2000 2150
3000 2200
3000 3500
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