
  • 1965
    The predecessor of the company was the Northwest Maintenance Station for Precision Machine Tools of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry.

  • 1983
    Renamed as Shaanxi Precision Machine Tool Repair Factory.
  • 1985
    Renamed as Baoji Machine Tool Factory
  • 1994
  • 2001
  • 2007
    The overall restructuring was Bochi Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.  
  • 2011
    In the stage of rapid development, the overall equipment level and production capacity have been comprehensively improved, various indicators have continued to rise, and economies of scale have become prominent.

  • 2015
    In-depth adjustment of the industry, the stage of enterprise transformation and upgrading, the product structure was further optimized, and the brand awareness was significantly improved.
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2022
    At present, the company has formed a composite turning and milling center, turning center and machining center with flexible manufacturing units. CNC lathes, medical machinery, machine tools and other 14 categories. 200 varieties, more than 400 specifications of product groups, widely used in automobiles, construction machinery, electronics. vocational schools and other industries.

    Four major industries

    High-end CNC machine tools and CNC tools; manufacturing of key components for new energy vehicles; machine tool remanufacturing and services; high-end medical and pharmaceutical equipment and spare parts production.

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