
BC37 series watch video
Product Description:
BC37 series CNC lathe adopts integral flat bed, 30° oblique saddle structure, compact structure, large rotary diameter, small occupation area; Large knife plate, small tool interference. Equipped with domestic NUMERICAL control system, can process internal and external cylinder, cone, arc surface; All kinds of thread and hole drilling, expansion, reaming and other processing. Suitable for automobile, industry parts processing.
Technical Specifications:


BC37 series




Capacity Max swing over bed mm Φ550
Max.workpiece length mm 310 510
Max. turning dia mm Φ370
Max swing over skateboard mm Φ330
diameter of Hydraulic chuck in 8
Spindle Spindle nose GB5900.1 A2-6
Spindle hole taper   1:20
Spindle thru-hole mm Φ66
Spindle bearing diameter (front / behind) mm Φ100/Φ90
Spindle speed r/min 50~4500
Moto kW 11/15
Tailstock Max quill travel mm 150 Otions 350
Taper hole (Morse) MT No. 4# 5#
Apron Swivel angle DEG 30°
Rapid traverse    X/Z mm 210/350 210/550
Rapid traverse speed  X/Z m/min 30/30 42/60
Servo motor torque  X/Z N.m 10/15 /
Dia of ball screw X/Z mm Φ32 /
Tool Diameter of ball screw   8
Tool section (Turning/boring) mm 25×25/Φ40
Others Power kVA 23
Dimension (L×W×H) mm 1929×2754×1794 2254×2754×1794 2254×3093×1794
Total weight kg 4100 4400
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