
QK1219 CNC pipe threading lathe watch video
Product Description:


QK1219 CNC pipe threading lathe is designed for threading of pipe work in petroleum industry. It is efficient and of special purpose. The lathe is equipped with front-and-rear mounted double chuck. That structure ensures steady and reliable clamping of long pipe work. It is equipped with comb type tool rest that holds compound tools which make it an ease for machine to performance external and internal turning, facing, threading, outside and inside chamfering operations on pipe or hoop. In a word product꧟ivity and quality are e🦹nhanced and reliability is increased in a great deal. 

Technical Specifications:


Description Unit QK1219
Capacity Max.swing dia.over bed mm φ600
Max.swing dia.over slide mm φ280
Max.turning length mm 600
Max.hoop dia. mm φ340
Max.pipe dia. mm φ190
Spindle Chuck/Hyd.chuck dia. mm φ500
Spindle center height mm 1120
Spindle thru-hole dia. mm φ196
Bearing dia. r/min 150--800
Spindle speed kw 22
Carriage Slant angle DEG 60°
X/Z-axis travel distance mm 340/650
X/Z-axis rapid traverse m/min 8/12
X/Z-axis servo motor torque Nm 20/20
Tool rest Number of tool stations   2/4
Tool section(turning/boring) mm 32×32/φ80
Others Power source kVA 60
Dimension(L×W×H) mm 3650X1810X1950
Gross weight kg 8200
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