
Product Description:

CH25⛄Y turning and milling center is a high-performance and multifunctional turning and milling center controlled by a high-end CNC system. The machine tool has Y-axis and powerful milling functions, which can complete most or all of the processing of complex parts in one installation. It is particularly suitable for the processing of complex shaped parts and can better adapt to the increasing demand for CNC machine tool functions and accuracy in industries such as automotive, light industry, and machinery. 

Technical Specifications:





Capacity   Max. Swing over bed mm Φ 500
Max. Swing over slide mm Φ 380
Max. turning length mm 500
Max. Turning diameter mm Φ 340
Max. Bar processing diameter mm Φ 51
Spindle   Hydraulic chuck diameter mm(in) Φ 2 10(8 ″ )
Spindle nose type   A2- 6(GB/T5900.1)
Diameter of spindle hole mm Φ 62
Spindle bearing diameter(front/back) mm Φ 1 0 0/ Φ 9 0
Max. Spindle speed r/min 4 0— 4 000
Spindle motor power KW 1 1 /15
Tailstock   Quill diameter/stroke mm Φ10 0/100
Standard/Rotate type quill taper MT N o . 5/4
Sub-spindle   Hydraulic chuck diameter mm(in) Φ 165 (6 ″) solid
Spindle nose type   A2-5(GB/T5900.1)
Max. Spindle speed r/min 50-5000
Spindle motor power KW 1 5 /1 8.5
Feed Slant angle DEG 30 ° +30 °
Moving distance (when equipped with tailstock) X/Y/Z mm 200/120(-60 +60)/510
Moving distance (when equipped with auxiliary spindle) X/Y/Z/Z2 mm 190/100( - 50 + 5 0 )/510/500
Rapid speed X1/Y/Z/Z2 m/min 16/12/24/16
Servo motor tuque(X/XY/Z/Z2) Nm 10.5/10.5/12/12
Ball screw diameter X/XY/Z/Z2 mm 32/32/40/40
Turret Tool section   12
Size of tool(turning/boring) mm 25 × 25/ Φ 40
living tools motor power(cont.) KW 3.7/5.5
Max speed of living tool r/min 4000
C axis Min. Control angle DEG 0.001
Max. End milling diameter /tapping diameter mm Φ 18/ M12
Others Power supply kVA 50
Dimension(L*W*H)(without chip conveyor) mm 3 600×2010×2240
Total weight kg 6500
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