
CK516/CK516Z watch video
Product Description:

1.High efficiency vertical CNC lathe for machining large and mediate workpieces
2.High grade cast iron machine base and column with good stibility and excellent shockproof performance.
3.Vertical structure with convenient workpiece setting-up and small floor area.
4.Oil and water separating structure makes coolant clear, environment-friendly and permanent.
5.The coolant tank is a separate one which is easy to clean.
6.High precision and high rigidity cartridge type spindle is convenient to maintain.
7.the spindle sleeve is complete symmetrical and designed suspending, thus the spindle structure can eliminate thermal deformation influence to machining accuracy. 
8. Powerful AC spindle motor enhances the stability of machine. 
9. Spindle lubrication adopts imported high class lubrication grease, full-enclosed, free of maintenance.
10.Super-heavy loading linear rolling guideways are used on carriage and column, with good dynamic responsibility and fine accuracy maintaining.
11.Equipped with high quality 6-station vertical electrical turret, rigid, rapid and reliable tool-changing.
12.Centralized machine operation panel makes the operation more convenient and prompt.
13.X/Z-axis lead screw uses high precision ball screws and special purpose bearings for lead screw with good accuracy maintaining.
14.Integrated ꦛfull-enclosed guard is environment-ไprotection and clear.

Technical Specifications:
  Unit CK516 CK516Z
Max swing dia. mm Φ850 Φ850
Max turning dia. mm Φ630 Φ630
Max turning dia. over slide mm Φ750 Φ750
Max turning height mm 600 600
Hydraulic chuck dia. mm Φ450(中实) Φ450(中实)
Spindle nose   A2-11 A2-11
Spindle speed mm 10-1600 10-1600
Spindle power rpm 22/26 22/26
Max spindle torque Kw 1192 1192
X/Z rapid traverse Nm X轴:14  Z轴:14 X轴:14  Z轴:14
X/Z-axis travel mm  X轴:640  Z轴:650 X轴:640  Z轴:650
Cutting feed rate m/min 0-6000 0-6000
Number of station   6 6
Tool section (turning/boring) Nm 32X32/Φ50 32X32/Φ50
Power source Kw 55 55
Dimension (L×W×H) mm 2500×2600×3400 2500×2600×3400
Weight mm 10000 10000
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