
CK40/50 series watch video
Product Description:

These series machines ar🎃e high precision CNC machines with good performance-price ratio.The high grade cast iron bed,slant rails and high precision cartridge type spindle are designed to damp vibration. The multi-station turret changes tools in the nearest path. Equipped with FANUC 0i mate control system.The machines,with a new appearance,easy-operated panel and full enclosed protection,are suitable for finishing or semi-finishing medium or small type workpieces. 

Technical Specifications:
Item Unit CK40 CK40.1000 CK40S CK40S.1000 CK40C
Capacity Max. swing over bed mm Φ400 Φ400 Φ400 Φ400 Φ400
Max. swing over slide mm Φ260 Φ260 Φ260 Φ260 Φ260
Max. turning length mm 400 1000 400 1000 400
Max. turning dia. mm Φ285 Φ285 Φ285 Φ285 Φ285
Max. bar dia. mm Φ42 Φ42 Φ42 Φ42 Φ42
Spindle Hydraulic chuck dia. mm Φ165 Φ165 Φ165 Φ165 Φ165
Spindle nose   A2-5 (GB/ T5900.1) A2-5 (GB/ T5900.1) A2-5 (GB/ T5900.1) A2-5 (GB/T5900.1) A2-5 (GB/ T5900.1)
Spindle thru-hole mm Φ57 Φ57 Φ57 Φ57 Φ57
Spindle speed r/min 70-3000 70-3000 70-3000 70-3000 80-4500
Power of main motor kW 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Tailstock Quill dia./travel mm Φ70/80 Φ70/80 Φ70/80 Φ70/80 Φ70/80
Quill taper hole MT No. 4 4 4 4 4
Carriage Slant angle DEG 45° 45° 45° 45° 45°
Travel X/Z mm 165/410 165/1030 165/410 165/1030 165/410
Rapid traverse X/Z m/min 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 30/24
Turret Number of station   8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12
Tool size (turning/boring) mm 20×20/Φ32 20×20/Φ32 20×20/Φ32 20×20/Φ32 20×20/Φ32
Others Power source kVA 25 25 25 25 25
Dimensions (L×W×H) mm 2370×1670×1970 3200×1700×1910 2370×1670×1970 3195×1695×1970 2370×1670×1970
Gross weight kg 3000 4500 3000 4500 3000
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